*** Three years jail for setting house alight | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Three years jail for setting house alight

ManamaThe High Criminal Court sentenced a man to three years behind bars for setting a lady’s house and car on fire, causing damages worth BD2000. 

According to court files, the defendant, a Bahraini man, aged 20, wanted to steal pet birds from the house, but his failure to do so reportedly led him to burn the property and the vehicle. 

The culprit was accompanied by another man, whose identity is still unknown. The owner of the house was outside Bahrain at the time of the incident.

“We climbed the fence and entered the house to rob the birds. However, we found only an empty cage,” the defendant told prosecutors. 

“I took out a lighter and set a rug kept next to the cage on fire. We saw a CCTV camera installed in the house and destroyed it before fleeing,” he added. 

It’s worth noting that the defendant was found guilty previously in 31 cases, in which he was handed down a combined total of more than 20 years in prison. 

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