*** Prince Michael visits maritime command | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Prince Michael visits maritime command

Manama : United Kingdom Sailors and Marines, based in the Naval Support Activity in Bahrain hosted a visit from Prince Michael of Kent from the UK. The United Kingdom Maritime Component (UKMCC) hosted the prince who is the Commodore in Chief for the Maritime Reserves and is also an Honorary Vice-Admiral in the Royal Navy of UK and it is in this capacity that he visited Bahrain. 

Prince Michael who last visited Bahrain in 2004 was shown around the building site that will soon become HMS Jufair, the permanent base for UK Naval Forces in Bahrain. 

Commander of the UKMCC Commodore Steve Dainton said, “We are absolutely delighted to host him today and it is important to recognise the roles that the Maritime reservists provide for usher in both for the UKMCC and CMF. As we prepare for the commissioning of the HMS Juffair later this year, this visit displays an ongoing commitment the United Kingdom has to the region.”

During the course of the visit, Prince Michael of Kent met UK Maritime reservists from the Royal Navy Reserves and the Royal Marines Reserves, employed both in Combined Maritime Force, and UKMCC. In addition to meeting the reservists in UKMCC headquarters, Prince Michael conducted an office call with Vice Admiral Donegan USN who is the Commander of US Naval Forces Central Command US 5th Fleet and Combined Maritime Forces.