*** Media plays a big role in shaping awareness: Minister | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Media plays a big role in shaping awareness: Minister

Cairo“No one can negate Egypt’s merits except someone who is a denier, ignorant about history or unable to read the future,” said Information Affairs Minister Ali bin Mohammed Al Rumaihi yesterday. 

The Minister was meeting Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi along with Arab information ministers participating in the 48th Arab Information Ministers Council session.

The minister who chairs the Arab Information Ministers Council’s current session delivered a speech in which he thanked the Egyptian president and conveyed to him the greetings of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.

Reaffirming to the role of media in shaping awareness of the Arab people, President El Sisi said that terrorism has inflicted awful losses on the Arab nation. 

He said decisive and forceful combating of terrorism has become the duty at all levels, especially the mission of spreading correct information and promoting the values of forbearance and illumination.

The Egyptian president added that there are no half solutions, affirming that Egypt is keen on non-interference in the affairs of countries, nor conspiring or damaging any other country especially its neighbours.