*** Ex-Muslim Brotherhood member exposes Qatar | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Ex-Muslim Brotherhood member exposes Qatar

Abu DhabiThe Muslim Brotherhood’s secret organisation in the UAE orchestrated plots to destabilise the UAE’s security, with the support of the Qatari government and Qatari charities, confessed a former member of the organisation, during an interview broadcast by local TV channels on Friday, UAE News Agency (WAM) reported.

Abdul Rahman bin Subaih Khalifa Al Suwaidi said that he was arrested in Indonesia for forging identification documents with support from the organisation, and was turned over to the UAE security agencies as a wanted man.

He categorically denied being kidnapped by UAE security officers and being subjected to alleged torture, as claimed by the Muslim Brotherhood. He termed his question and answer session by the security officers as ‘good’ which was conducted in a civilised and calm environment.

‘’This polite treatment has prompted me to change my thinking and expose the false propaganda of the organisation. The comfort I experienced throughout the investigation is completely contrary to what we are used to hearing,’’ he added, in a televised interview for a documentary, titled, ‘’Qatar’s Files for Supporting Terrorism’’.

He further added that while the crisis with Qatar drags on, it is the appropriate time to speak about his painful experiment, to alert others to learn the lessons from his story, so that no more people will fall into the trap of radical organisations, including the terrorist organisation, the Muslim Brotherhood.

He revealed that Qatar had provided facilities to the Muslim Brotherhood, harboured its members, openly supported the movement, facilitated the movement of its members and aided fugitives both financially and morally and through its media platforms.

‘’Qatar has not left the Muslim Brotherhood elements, it opened the doors for them to vent their hatred of the UAE,’’ he disclosed, adding that Al Jazeera TV channel had played an instrumental role in supporting and training the fugitive members. ‘’A training programme was conducted in the UAE on how to spread chaos and stir troubles in the UAE through social media platforms,’’ he said.

While replying to a question about his connections to the Qatari, Mahmoud Al Geida, he said, ‘’I had been with him for a week before he was arrested in a meeting for the secret organisation in Thailand, to co-ordinate issues concerning the Gulf region. Al Geida was responsible for conveying the results of the meeting to the elements in the UAE. He was caught red-handed while trying to regroup the members of the secret organisation in the UAE, by appointing a person to run the affairs of the organisation, following the arrest of its members. He was also responsible for carrying funds to the organisation and money from Qatar to the fugitive members in the UAE. He could never move without the knowledge of the Qatari regime,’’ Al Suwaidi continued.

He stated that the Qatari government and security agencies had given the green light for Al Geida to transfer funds to the secret organisation.

He affirmed that Qatar’s government is clearly aiding and abetting the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, to spread chaos in the UAE and other Gulf countries, by guiding and harbouring its elements and securing travel documents for them.

He termed Qatar’s charitable work through its charity organisations as an instrument for feeding and sponsoring terrorist groups across the world.

‘’The Muslim Brotherhood was connected with Qatari charitable organisations by way of sending philanthropists’ funds to needy countries, but in fact, the money was used to strengthen the Muslim Brotherhood in these countries,’’ he said.

Regarding the role Yusuf al-Qaradawi in employing Qatari funds to serve terrorism, Al Suwaidi explained, ‘’He used the Qatari people’s donations to serve terrorist and malicious objectives in neighbouring countries.’’