*** Bahrain has made great strides: PM | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain has made great strides: PM

Manama : Prime Minister His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa yesterday said that the Kingdom of Bahrain under the leadership of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa has made unprecedented achievements.

“Our ambitions are big and without limits for our nation and people and we do the impossible to achieve them and to smooth out any obstacles and challenges along the way, and our cooperation with the Legislative Authority is exemplary, thanks to our collective visions and shared goals”, HRH the Premier said.

HRH the Prime Minister’s remarks came while receiving the Shura Council Chairman Ali bin Saleh Al Saleh and Speaker Ahmed bin Ibrahim Al Mulla, following the issuance of the royal order adjourning the third session of the fourth legislative term, yesterday.

“We have together succeeded in organizing our circumstances politically, economically and socially and we have succeeded in dealing with issues regionally and internationally as a result of our close cooperation,” HRH the Premier added.

His Royal Highness expressed sincere gratitude and appreciation of the efforts exerted by Shura Council members and Members of Parliament (MPs) in carrying out their legislative and monitoring responsibilities that serve the interest of Bahrain and its people.

“The policy consecrated by HM the King in upholding the principles of development, modernization and consolidation of the fundamental pillars of the State of the Law and Institutions have yielded the fruits of consolidating the cooperation between the executive and legislative branches in every manner that will serve Bahrain and its development in all fields,” HRH the Premier said.

“The close cooperation between the executive and legislative bodies will remain the firm principle of our government, our key goal being the revival of the nation and satisfaction of citizen’s ambitions and maintaining their livelihood gains,” HRH the Premier said.

HRH the Premier praised the efforts of the MPs and Shura Council members throughout the third session of the fourth legislative term during which numerous significant laws and legislations have been issued, including the unified family law, and other laws and legislations that contributed with more regulation of social, economic and political life aspects for facilitation of citizens’ living and charted the features of the prosperous future we aspire for the nation and its citizens. HRH the Premier expressed his aspiration that the upcoming legislative session will witness more efforts to complete the achievements in the interest of the nation and to fulfill citizens’ ambitions, reiterating the government’s keenness on continuation of the policy of cooperation and consultation with the Legislature.

The Speaker and the Chairman of the Shura Council expressed their gratitude and appreciation of HRH the Prime Minister for his diligence regarding everything that supports the cooperation and partnership between the executive and legislative branches. 

They affirmed that the government under the premiership of His Royal Highness has worked to achieve this cooperation and transformed it into substantial reality felt by all citizens. 

The numerous directives of His Royal Highness instructing the ministers and officials to cooperate with the Legislature have had tremendous impact in accomplishing numerous dossiers in the interest of the nation and its citizens, they stressed.