*** Crown Prince attends Military Base opening | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Crown Prince attends Military Base opening

ManamaHis Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister, yesterday attended the opening of the Mohammad Najeeb Military Base in Alexandria and a ceremony for graduating cadets. The graduating cadets are from Egypt and GCC countries, including Bahrain.

The new military base is the biggest in the Middle East and North Africa region. 

HRH the Crown Prince highlighted Egypt’s integral role in supporting Arab cooperation and collaboration, which is crucial to addressing regional challenges. 

HRH the Crown Prince also noted Egypt’s long-standing commitment to fighting all forms of terrorism, adding that this role continues to receive international and regional recognition.


HRH the Crown Prince went on to add that, under the leadership of His Majesty King Hamad, the Kingdom of Bahrain continues to intensify collaboration and cooperation with Egypt as well as other Arab and international allies to eliminate all forms of terrorism and extremism.

HRH the Crown Prince spoke of Egypt’s history and its efforts to promote culture, arts, science and education across the Arab world over many decades. 

The Crown Prince also praised the positive role played by the people of Egypt in supporting ongoing development efforts in Bahrain and the wider region.

HRH the Crown Prince extended his best wishes to President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi on the opening of the new base, which takes place in conjuncture with the 65th anniversary of the July 23 Revolution. 


HRH the Crown Prince accompanied President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi on a tour of the base, including the museum of General Mohammad Najeeb. 

During the ceremony President Abdul Fatah Al Sisi and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and senior delegates awarded a number of cadets defence service medals to recognise their outstanding performance. 

Navy cadet trainee officer, Mohamed Dawood Sa’doon from the Bahrain was amongst the awarded cadets for outstanding performance.