*** 48 preachers sacked for violating norms | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

48 preachers sacked for violating norms

ManamaAs many as 48 preachers have been sacked by Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments Ministry citing “inefficiency” and violation of guidelines.

This was confirmed yesterday in a statement issued by the ministry on the conditions of preachers in the Kingdom and the preaching and guidance permits issued, renewed and revoked by the ministry lately.

In the statement, Undersecretary Dr. Farid Al Muftah announced that the ministry, within its scheme to update religious speech, has renewed the permits of 85 preachers who proved their efficiency, while 48 permits were revoked as preachers were inefficient and violated some administrative procedures.

Dr. Al Muftah also confirmed that 34 new permits for guidance and preaching were also granted recently, after the applicants passed special tests that considered their moderate thoughts, knowledge in Sharia, general knowledge, preaching skills and other requirements.

“The Department of Research, Institutes and Advocacy Centers in the ministry issued a document under the name of the Charter of Action, signed by all licensed preachers. It includes a set of requirements, considerations and controls stipulated in Resolution 23 of 2009 with regards to the ethics of religious discourse, achieving the legitimate goals and keeping the correct method in the means and advocacy goals, in order to enhance intellectual and social security and preserve the unity of the national fabric,” Dr. Al Muftah said.

The undersecretary added that the ministry adopted a new mechanism to follow up and analyse the content of the religious discourse among the preachers, including the quality of the speech and the classification of its content and the compatibility of the content to the targeted group, as well as the place where the preaching is held and studying the objectives of the preaching programme.

It was also clarified in the ministry’s statement that the preaching license is the document that allows the preacher to practice his activities in accordance with the provisions of Ministerial Decree 56 of 2011, with regards to the licenses of preaching and guidance. 

According to the decree, preachers are authorised to give lessons and lectures in places of worship, educational, rehabilitation and correctional institutions, and parents’ care houses, public councils and other governmental and private bodies and institutions.