*** Dependents of flexi permit left in the lurch | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Dependents of flexi permit left in the lurch

Manama : Holders of the Flexible work permit (also known as flexi permit) will not be able to accommodate dependents under their visa, Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) CEO Ausamah Al Absi said yesterday. 

However, after the assessment period of the flexi permit is over, the LMRA may consider allowing dependents, he said.

 “Individuals under Flexi permit cannot have any dependents under them. We have just launched the permit and we are trying to keep our parameters as tight as possible so that people don’t violate any law,” he told DT News. 

“At this phase, we are going to observe and gather information on how people will adopt the system, see their way of living, see what kind of work they are into because our whole aim is to improve  the  standard of living of  an  expatriate. We do not want the expatriate or their family to live in a miserable condition thus, for now, individuals under Flexi permit cannot have dependents under them. In the near future we might introduce it but now we are at the beginning phase and we still have to see how people adopt the system,” he said. 

Some of the free visa workers who were at the LMRA facility in Sitra yesterday said that they were in a fix because they have family here. 

“The flexi permit is a great step forward and I am sure it will help a lot of people. I want to take it myself because it is actually cheaper than the free visa but I am concerned about my family who are living here,” said Regin, a free visa worker.  

When informed that Flexi visa will not allow dependents under it, he said that he may seek a free visa. 

“I still have hope that they will allow dependents on my visa. I have been here for six years and my kids go to school here so they need a visa to continue their studies. After issuing this type of permit and taking so many steps to encourage legal stay, I am sure that the authorities will further crackdown on illegal workers. So I am aware of the kind of risk I will have to take if I continue on a free visa,” he added,

“I am considering taking a flexible visa but I am not sure whether I can send my family back home. There are many things to consider before sending them back such as children’s education. I came here today mainly to find out if the flexi visa allows dependents,” another free visa worker said, on condition of anonymity.