*** Nine entities, nine men on fresh terror blacklist | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Nine entities, nine men on fresh terror blacklist

ManamaFour Arab states - Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Egypt -- have blacklisted nine organisations and nine individuals for terror activities with Qatar links, a statement released by the four states has said.

Among blacklisted organisations, three are based in Yemen while the rest six are based in Libya. All are accused of ties with Al-Qaeda, the international terror group. 

The individuals blacklisted are: three Qataris, three Yemenis, two Libyans and a Kuwaiti who were implicated in fundraising campaigns to support former Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front and other terrorist militias in Syria. 

The Libyan individuals and terrorist entities received substantial financial support from the Qatari authorities and played an active role in spreading chaos and devastation in Libya, despite serious international concerns over the destructive impact of such practices, the statement said.

The measure is part of fighting terrorism, cutting off sources of funding, prosecuting of those who are involved in terror act and combating extremist ideologies and hate speech, the statement said.

The four states had last month released a list of 59 people and 12 groups that had links to Qatar, accused by the four states of ties to extremist groups in the region.

Tuesday’s measure blacklisted nine ‘charity’ and ‘media’ organisations and nine individuals directly or indirectly linked to Qatari authorities, read the joint statement released. 

“We expect Qatari authorities to take urgent action to prosecute the terrorist and extremist organisations and individuals associated with them, especially those in the current list and the previous list announced on June 8,” the statement said.

“The four countries and their international partners will ensure that Qatar has ceased its support and funding of terrorism, has stopped welcoming terrorists and has stopped spreading extremist and hate speech,” it added. 

They demanded that Qatar break its longstanding ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, blacklisted as a terror group by the four governments.

The Saudi-led bloc, which now blacklists 89 persons and organisations accused of ties to Islamist groups backed by Qatar, also dismissed an amendment last week to Doha’s counter-terrorism law as “insufficient”. 

Saudi Arabia and its allies have been boycotting Qatar since June 5 in the region’s worst diplomatic crisis in years.They have sealed the emirate’s only land border, ordered its citizens to leave and closed their airspace to Qatari flights and shipping.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson last week spent four days in the region trying to broker a settlement to the crisis.


Terror organisations

1. Al- Balagh Charitable Foundation Yemen

2. Al-Ihsan Charitable Society -Yemen

3. Rahma Charitable Organization - Yemen

4. Benghazi Revolutionaries Shura Council- Libya

5. Al-Saraya Media Center- Libya

6. Boshra News Agency - Libya

7. Rafallah Sahati Brigade - Libya

8. Nabaa TV - Libya

9.Tanasuh Foundation for Dawa, Culture and Media Libya


1. Khalid Saeed Al Bouaynain (Qatari Citizen)

2. Shaqer Jummah Al Shahwani (Qatari Citizen)

3. Saleh bin Ahmed Al Ghanim (Qatari Citizen)

4. Hamid Hamad Hamid Al Ali (Kuwaiti Citizen)

5. Abdullah Mohammed Al Yazidi (Yemeni Citizen)

6. Ahmed Ali Ahmed Baraoud (Yemeni Citizen)

7. Mohammed Bakr Al Dabaa (Yemeni Citizen)

8. Al-Saadi Abdullah Ibrahim Bukhazem (Libyan Citizen)

9. Ahmed Abd Al Jaleel Al Hasnawi (Libyan Citizen)