*** Workers caught stealing from luggage not airport staff: Report | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Workers caught stealing from luggage not airport staff: Report

ManamaThe two airport workers caught by CCTV cameras while stealing from passengers’ luggage are not workers of Bahrain International Airport or Bahrain Airport Company, it was unfolded yesterday.

 “The arrested workers were not from the staff and the company applies the best international practices in airport administration and all of its works are internally and externally audited as per local and international aviation rules,” a letter published on the online version of a local daily said, quoting Bahrain Airport Company.

DT News published last Wednesday that two workers were held by the airport police after surveillance cameras installed at the back of an international airlines plane revealed them stealing from passengers’ luggage on July 11. The Asian men were sentenced last Wednesday by the Third Lower Criminal Court to six months of imprisonment and deportation. Several mobile phone chargers, headsets, socks, sweets and packs of cigarettes were recovered from them.

The airlines provided the company with 16 photos of the incident as evidence. Interestingly, the photos showed the workers wearing Bahrain International Airport safety vests.