*** Modernisation of cities and villages will continue: PM | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Modernisation of cities and villages will continue: PM

ManamaHis Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa yesterday emphasised that Bahrain under the leadership of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa features prevalent spirit of optimism and confidence that the future will always be bright and flourishing. 

The premier also affirmed that the construction and developmental process of the Kingdom will continue unabated to fulfil the present needs and future requirements.

“The Kingdom of Bahrain is witnessing upwards growth and development at all levels through the implementation of a series of developmental and modernization projects in cities and villages,” said HRH the Prime Minister while praising Bahraini people’s generosity, loyalty and perpetual stance with their country’s leadership. 

“Works in these projects are proceeding at exponential speed and we personally are keen on following up the progress to ensure that these projects suits the Bahraini citizens and boost the Kingdom’s place as investment-friendly country,” the Premier said.

HRH the Prime Minister was speaking while receiving Royal Family members and senior officials.

His Royal Highness during the audience affirmed that the strength of the Bahraini society is in its national unity and cohesion of its social fabric and that the “challenges will only increase our resolve to achieve our aspirations for the nation and its people’s prosperity”.

Prince Khalifa praised the Bahraini people and their keenness and diligence in safeguarding the nation’s security and stability and effective participation in the development process.

The audience expressed their sincere gratitude and appreciation to His Royal Highness the Prime Minister for all his efforts aimed at the nation’s progress and prosperity, wishing His Royal Highness lasting good health and well being to continue the process of building Bahrain and the welfare of its citizens under the wise leadership of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.