*** Power cuts give headaches for shoppers at Al Muatasim Avenue | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Power cuts give headaches for shoppers at Al Muatasim Avenue

ManamaResidents and shop owners are annoyed over the unscheduled power cuts in the Al Muatasim Avenue, in Manama. 

For the past two days, residents and shop owners have been facing big power cuts at the Al Muatasim Avenue, Road Number 421, Block 304, in the capital, giving difficulties to public in the harsh summer. 

“It is very difficult to deal with children during the power cuts. For the past two days every night the power goes off and it is unbearable for us,” a resident told DT News

“I own a sweet shop in the area and for us dealing with the harsh weather is still bearable but the unscheduled power cuts are affecting our business too,” said another shop owner. 

“We are not only losing customers but also getting our products spoilt due to the power cuts which is a bigger loss as we have to throw out several products,” the shop owner added.

“I run a gold shop.  Our main concern is the security as the entire lane which is out of electricity and we have worth thousands of dinars worth gold and it is our  main concern is theft,”  said a jeweller in the area.

“We have no clue about why there is a power cut and we will look into the matter and fix it immediately,” a source at Electricity and Water Authority (EWA) call centre said.

“If there is a power cut, the public could call at our helpline number at 17515555. We would send our emergency team to the area and look into the matter and fix the issue immediately,”  the EWA source added. 

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