*** Siberell to be US Ambassador to Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Siberell to be US Ambassador to Bahrain

ManamaUS President Donald Trump has selected career diplomat Justin Siberell as his pick to serve as the Ambassador to Bahrain.

Siberall, who speaks Arabic, is currently the acting coordinator for counter-terrorism at the Bureau of Counter-terrorism at the US State Department. He had six postings in the Middle East.  An approval from the Senate is required before he is confirmed as the next ambassador to Bahrain. 

“Siberell, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, class of Minister-Counselor, has served as an American diplomat since 1993.  He is currently the Acting Coordinator for Counter-terrorism, in US Department of State,”  the White House  said in a statement. “Through six postings in Middle East countries, Siberell has developed a deep knowledge of the Gulf States and critical American interests in the region.  He has led large, diverse organizations in Washington and abroad and has created unified, resilient, and highly productive interagency teams addressing challenges in high-threat environments. Siberell earned a BA in History from the University of California at Berkeley.  He speaks Spanish and Arabic,” the White house said.

Currently William Roebuck, who arrived in Bahrain on January 8, 2015, is the current US Ambassador to Bahrain. Former President Obama nominated Roebuck in June 2014 and his appointment to Bahrain was confirmed by Senate in November that year and the Senate confirmed his appointment in November.