*** Animal lover living with dogs seeks adoption help | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Animal lover living with dogs seeks adoption help

ManamaAn animal lover who is living in a single bedroom apartment along with nine dogs is hoping that someone adopt the dogs. 

Indra, the Nepalese animal lover who works as a building watchman, has been taking care of a female dog and its eight puppies. 

All of nine dogs are living in his one bedroom apartment but he is finding it challenging to accommodate them. Now, he is looking for someone to adopt them. Indra has been caring for the female dog for the past one year and it has been a month since she gave birth to eight puppies. 

He said that the puppies would take up more space as they grow and he hopes to find them a loving home.


“My apartment is rather small and it is not practical for me to keep them for much longer. Currently I take care of them and their mother but it will become very challenging when they get older. Another issue is that I am working and may not always be able to attend them. I hope that someone will come forward to adopt them. I do not want them to be separated so I would like someone to take all of them,” he said.


“The female dog has been with me for the past one year. It came in the vicinity of the building where I work, looking for food. I offered her food and she kept coming back and she has been with me ever since. A month ago she gave birth to these puppies so I decided to help the puppies as well,” he said, adding, “I have always been an animal lover, and loves dogs.”