*** Qatar won’t be allowed to become a ‘Trojan Horse’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Qatar won’t be allowed to become a ‘Trojan Horse’

Manama : Qatar will not be allowed to become a “Trojan Horse” for the Iranian regime to interfere in the region, Foreign Affairs Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa has warned.

Speaking during an interview with Egyptian channel DMC Wednesday, Shaikh Khalid said he hopes “Qatar won’t serve as an entrance for Iran in region”. 

“We have no problems with the Qataris,” he said during the interview adding: “We have a problem with the Qatari passport being granted to terrorists, including Al Muqrin who entered Saudi Arabia.”

Al Muqrin reportedly entered Saudi Arabia using a Qatari passport and executed a number of terror attacks, resulting in the loss of many lives. 

Speaking about the actions taken against Qatar recently, the minister, however, said that they weren’t the first taken against Qatar. 

“Ambassadors have been withdrawn before, which was later resolved through the signing of the Riyadh Agreement,” the minister pointed out. The agreement, according to Shaikh Khalid, provided Qatar “a chance to correct its path”, which, however, didn’t happen. 

“Doha didn’t commit to it and we don’t have any time to waste,” said Shaikh Khalid adding: “Shaikh Tameem himself signed the agreement which required to stop harming Egypt.”

Shaikh Khalid also strongly criticised Qatar’s strategy in utilising Al Jazeera to destabilise countries in the region, betraying Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen by providing Houthi Militias with coordinates to kill Emirati soldiers as well as supporting and promoting “Iranian subversive projects”.

The minister praised the efforts exerted by the Kuwaiti Emir Shaikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah in resolving the crisis.