*** Cabbies say mall trying to drive them ‘out’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Cabbies say mall trying to drive them ‘out’

Manama : Disputes between drivers of local taxi operators and City Centre Bahrain  (CCB) continue to remain unresolved with the drivers there now levelling serious allegations against the mall management. 

Over 250 Bahraini taxi drivers operating from the City Centre Bahrain told DT News that the mall management there is preventing them from entering the complex to make way for a new private taxi company. 

Drivers also claim that the ongoing construction work at the mall is having a heavy toll on their already falling business as their vehicles are also now hidden behind a fence from customers. 

“This situation has given the private taxi company an advantage, as we are now forced to wait for hours to get a customer,” a Bahraini Taxi driver told DT News.  

Highlighting the prejudice against Bahraini taxi drivers, they have also made a plea to the authorities to intervene. 

 “It is not fair to help private companies by preventing us,” a taxi driver said.  

“We are already at a loss because of the construction and now with the fences in place, we are losing more,” he added. 

New player in the fray

“A new private taxi company has parked their cars at the mall entrance now,” pointed out another driver. 

He told DT News that all this trouble started with a new radio taxi service renting a space at the City Centre gate number 4, next to the Bahraini taxi stand, to advertise their services. 

“The problem, however, got worse only three weeks ago, when CCB started their construction works,” he said claiming: “This situation had proved advantageous to the private taxi company, as we are now hidden behind a fence from the customers.”

The mall management, according to him, has been informed about the situation. “They assured me that they are trying their best to complete the construction soon.”


Rude behaviour!

He, however, also revealed to DT News about the wrong behaviour of some of the taxi drivers there, which resulted in escalating the situation. 

“The way some taxi drivers here responded to the situation was absolutely wrong, as they also harassed some of the customers,” he revealed. 

“The drivers then complained to the authorities and also took the matter to media without even trying to sort it out peacefully with the mall management, “ the driver told DT News. 

The mall management replies

When approached the CCB management for a response, Duaij al Rumaihi, Senior Mall Manager, City Centre Bahrain, told DT News, “We do understand the difficulties of the Bahrain taxi drivers, but we also had customers approaching us looking for alternate taxi services as some of them are refusing to use the meter and demanding unreasonable prices.”

“We have CCTV footages of taxi drivers entering the mall and harassing customers to force them to accept their services. 

“We are encouraging more services instead of just one to avoid creating a monopoly,” Rumaihi stressed. 

“A lot of private companies are paying rent. However, we are providing the drivers free stands along with an ‘air-conditioned waiting area’ and a pantry to wait for their turns,” he revealed.  

“They, however, called the police and transport authorities and accused us of showing partiality

“But the officials found that the CCB is doing its best to provide excellent services to its customers,” Rumaihi claimed.  

Rumaihi also said that the mall will not support any kind of felony, harassment or violence “that would affect the consumers, mall’s reputation or portray the Kingdom in poor light.”


About construction 

Responding to the trouble caused by the construction works, Rumaihi told DT News that the City Centre Bahrain is working on to enhance visitors’ experience, “which involves some renovations at the mall’s main entrance, where the taxi services are located”.

“Throughout the renovations, all operations will remain normal and taxi ‘Pickup/Drop-off area will continue to remain at the main entrance where drivers can line up for visitors,” he clarified. 

He further pointed out that directional signage has been placed around the mall and in directories to guide visitors. 

“For the convenience of the taxi drivers at our mall, City Centre Bahrain will continue providing a multi purpose indoor room for the drivers throughout the mall operating hours,” he added.