*** King calls for concerted efforts to defeat terrorism | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

King calls for concerted efforts to defeat terrorism

ManamaHis Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa has stressed the crucial importance of defending the pan-Arab security to stave off any subversive attempts preying on the Arab region.

His Majesty made the statement while receiving the UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Shaikh Abdulla bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir and Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry at Al-Sakhir Palace on Saturday. The meeting was part of the Arab quartet’s joint meeting in Manama.

The foreign ministers were accompanied Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Al-Khalifa, foreign minister of Bahrain. The King commended the foreign ministers’ strenuous efforts to maintain regional security and stability, saying that Bahrain stands united with sister countries and backs all joint stances and measures to confront challenges and threats.

“The strength and cohesion of Arab countries depend on their solidarity and unity in confronting all challenges,” the King said, describing pan-Arab joint action, at this defining period, as the vital pillar and the inevitable choice.

“This critical phase requires stronger cooperation and unity to protect our vital interests, thwart subversive designs which aim at sowing divisions and undermining the pan-Arab security,” HM said.

HM called for solidarity among all countries to root out terrorism and dry up its sources of funding, urging regional and international coordination and concerted efforts to defeat the scourge.

The King reviewed with the foreign ministers latest developments in the regional and international arenas.

The UAE, Saudi and Egyptian foreign ministers expressed deepest thanks and appreciation to HM the King, hailing his sound directives and keenness on hosting the quartet’s meeting in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

They said they looked forward to the Manama meeting as an important step to bolster the quartet’s joint efforts, hailing Bahrain’s firm stances, led by HM the King, as well as support to just Arab causes and contribution to maintaining regional security and stability. 

HM commended the quartet’s firm keenness on supporting the security and stability of the region, addressing its problems and protecting it from the policies of backing extremist groups and harbouring terrorists.

“These policies have caused dangerous humanitarian crises, with hundreds of thousands of our peoples displaced and left homeless, facing hardships in the diaspora”, the King said.

He highlighted the tragic plight of the displaced people, stressing the need to help them return to their homes safely and ensure them security and stability.

His Majesty paid tribute to martyrs from the four countries, who fell in the line of duty in the fight against the scourge of terrorism to defend our countries and peoples.

“Our countries will continue their strenuous efforts to protect the blessed march of the Gulf Cooperation Council from any policies which may harm member states, affect its peoples or derail its achievements,” HM said.

HM the King hosted a dinner banquet in honour of the ministers.