*** ‘Sickle cell deaths caused by dehydration in summer’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

‘Sickle cell deaths caused by dehydration in summer’

ManamaMore than double the number of sickle cell patients die during summer months as compared to the other months, according to Bahrain Society for Sickle Cell and Anaemia Care President Zakareya Al Kadhem.

“We noticed that half of the sickle cell related deaths were in June, July and August which are the hottest months of the year. In a year when there are 50 deaths, 25 of them will be in the summer months.This is because of the heat and the dehydration. Dehydration makes you likely to have a sickle cell attack and once you get an attack it is a miracle if you survive it,” he told DT News.

“So it is very important for a sickle cell patient not to get dehydrated. So this is why we want to educate them and make them aware about the importance of drinking water. This is why I am having the campaign about watermelons. Fruits are a great source of water and watermelons have the highest content of water. It will nourish the patient and keep them hydrated. If the patients are not too keen on drinking a lot of water, they can eat plenty of watermelon and benefit from the hydration they receive,” he added. 

He urged sickle cell patients to better care of themselves during summer months. “They need to make sure that they are hydrated at all time by drinking enough water and eating water rich food. Dehydration is dangerous for the sickle cell patients,” he said. 

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