*** Al Hala Club vows to bring attackers before justice | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Al Hala Club vows to bring attackers before justice

ManamaAl Hala Sports Club administration and players refused to waive their legal rights against over 20 individuals who brutally attacked them on Wednesday night, injuring several people among them.

The club’s administration, players and employees issued a statement yesterday expressing their rejection and condemnation of the incident, in which the individuals swarmed into the football field of the club in Muharraq and attacked the players and coaches before they fled the scene.

“These unfortunate events are strange and alien to the customs, traditions and values of the Bahraini society and to our sport. We are witnessing such incidents for the first time,” a statement issued by the club read.

“This unfamiliar group has carried out inappropriate acts which must be held accountable for. There has to be a deterrent punishment to stop such barbaric acts and to be an example to others who assault others,” the statement added.

Stressing that they will not waive their rights, the members also mentioned in their statement, “We are in the country of law and no one could go beyond it, or else they will find deterrent punishment and this is what the club demands. We hope that the security authorities will track this group and everyone who thinks they’re above the law. We have confidence in our judiciary and we hope that the club gets its rights, which we will not give up.”

DT News reported on Saturday that the attackers were mostly youngsters. 

They entered the pitch while team members were in the middle of their evening training. 

They attacked them, using planks and sticks. 

National coach Abdulnasser Hassan also the assistant coach of Al Hala football team was injured in the attack. 

Abdulnasser  was rushed to the hospital after suffering a deep cut underneath his eyes in the attack.

Youth and Sports Affairs Minister Hisham Al Jowder visited the Al Hala Sports Club the next day, met with the club’s officials and was assured about Hassan’s condition. 

The minister renounced the attack and said that the protection of sports facility is a national duty.

Chief Prosecutor of Muharraq Governorate Prosecution Abdulla Al Dossary confirmed the arrest of the suspects on the next day and said that the case has been referred to the court.

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