*** Death of man in bomb blast bares nexus in IED-making | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Death of man in bomb blast bares nexus in IED-making

ManamaNabeel Al Samee, the man who was killed while planting a bomb in a farm located in Al Hajar village on June 19, was part of an Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) manufacturing nexus, the security authorities said yesterday.

Security authorities revealed that Hussain Abbas Hassan Mansoor, 39, a worker who was arrested after the incident at Al Hajar village on June 19,  was a key partner of Nabeel Al Samee who conducted a series of terrorist acts. According to Interior Ministry, the arrested Hussain Abbas Hassan Mansoor was an accomplice of Al Samee and both were involved in the manufacturing of IEDs. “As part of counter-terrorism operations and in continuation of investigations into the case of Nabeel Abdullah Al Samee, 40, who was killed on June 19 while carrying a high-intensity homemade bomb when it exploded and whose body was found in a farm in Al Hajar village, a suspect was arrested. The suspect was a key partner of Nabeel Al Samee in committing a series of terrorist acts,” the statement by security authorities read.


“The suspect Hussain Abbas Hassan Mansoor is a worker. He had been sentenced to three years in jail for attempted murder and has been involved in cases related to carrying explosives and weapons in public places and security disturbance. The investigations have also shown that the suspect transported bombs in his car and received money from the deceased who used to make bombs in farms in Al Hajar and Karzakan villages,” the statement mentioned.

According to the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation and Forensic Science in the ministry, Mansoor told the interrogators that when he arrived in the farm, he found Al Samee dead because of the bomb blast and that he saw the bomb’s traces near his body.

The directorate confirmed that it has taken legal steps, referred the case to the Public Prosecution and that the probe will continue so as to reveal the involvement of other individuals or terror cells.

The ministry will continue its counter-terrorism operations to maintain security and civil peace, the statement said.