*** King invited to attend OIC summit in Kazakh | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

King invited to attend OIC summit in Kazakh

ManamaHis Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa has been invited to attend the first Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Summit on Science and Technology, set to be held in Kazakhstan in September.

HM the King received at Al Safriya Palace yesterday the Special envoy of the President of Kazakhstan and Deputy Foreign Minister, Akylbek Kamaldinov, who delivered to HM the King a letter from the Kazakh leader Nursultan Nazarbayev regarding the OIC Summit.

He conveyed to HM the King greetings from the Kazakh president as well as his wishes of further progress and prosperity to Bahrain and its people.

HM the King also extended greetings and wishes of further progress and prosperity to President Nazarbayev and the friendly Kazakh people.

He appreciated the invitation, wishing the summit to succeed in achieving its goals so as to bolster the march of development in Muslim countries and strengthen cooperation.

He hailed strong bilateral relations binding the two friendly countries, in all fields, stressing their leaders’ mutual keenness on strengthening joint ties towards achieving shared interests. HM the King valued the strenuous efforts of Kazakhstan, led by President Nazarbayev, as well its contributions to serving the Muslim nation and bolstering joint Islamic action.

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