*** Government committed to ensuring security: PM | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Government committed to ensuring security: PM

ManamaBahrain will take all measures necessary to safeguard its security and will never allow its sovereignty to be targeted, warned His Royal Highness, Prime Minister, Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa. 

The Prime Minister was speaking while receiving Royal Family members and a number of senior state officials at the Gudaibiya Palace, yesterday.

“This nation has been subjected to many conspiracies and treacherous acts, but, thanks to the wisdom of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and to the awareness of its people and its citizens’ rallying behind the national banners, has managed to overcome them and emerge stronger than ever,” the Premier said.

The Prime Minister further asserted that the purpose of countries calling for combating terrorism is to repel policies aimed at tampering with their security and stability and spreading “creative chaos” across the Arab Nation.

“No one should accept to be a tool that assists in dividing the brothers and sowing discord among them,” the premier added. 

HRH Premier also affirmed that the policies that have targeted Arab countries have exhausted their resources and transformed them from oases of development and favourable destinations into sources of migration and displacement, urging Arab peoples to draw lessons from that.