*** Consumer Protection Directorate records 80pc jump in complaints | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Consumer Protection Directorate records 80pc jump in complaints

Manamanew report by the Consumer Protection Directorate suggests that unhappy customers are on the rise in the Kingdom with the Directorate recording a substantial 80 per cent jump in complaints filed against retailers.  

This was revealed by the Director of the Consumer Protection Directorate in Industry, Commerce and Tourism Ministry,  Senan Al Jabery, during a Press Conference held at the ministry, yesterday. 

Al Jabery also announced  that the directorate has recommended legal actions against 390 shops in the Kingdom for violations. 

“The directorate detected 456 offences after conducting 1,079 surprise inspections among shops in the Kingdom,” Al Jabery said adding: “Fourteen surveys were conducted to ensure that laws regarding consumer protection are followed.”

Majority of the complaints were filed against shops selling electronic and electrical goods, while automobile, construction and food sector closely followed with second, third and fourth spots, respectively.  The directorate, during the first six months of 2017, received a total of 746 complaints, an increase of 83.3pc when compared to the 407 complaints registered in the same period a year ago. 35.8 per cent of the complaints were filed against electronic and electrical shops. 


“Few cases ended up in courts or in other administrative departments in other authorities,” Al Jabery said adding that the directorate solved majority of the cases either by refunding or by facilitating the exchanging of items purchased. 

“67pc of the complaints were solved within a week with the authority collecting BD35,957 in refunds and completing exchange transactions worth BD24,346,” Al Jabery told reporters during the Press Conference.