*** Parents beware! Undue absence of your ward will land you in soup | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Parents beware! Undue absence of your ward will land you in soup

ManamaParents would face legal accountability if their wards are unjustifiably prevented from attending classes for more than ten continuous days, Education Minister Dr. Majid Al Nuaimi has warned.

Dr. Al Nuaimi affirmed that the Ministry would take legal steps against the parents who do not ensure their children receive their full educational rights.

“If the Ministry does not accept the reasons for the student’s absence or the parent’s failure to respond to the Ministry’s warnings, the concerned committee shall prepare a report accompanied by the documents to the minister who will make the decision of referring the violation to the Public Prosecutor’s Office and initiate a lawsuit,” Dr. Al Nuaimi has said.

However, following the noise the news made among parents, who referred to it on local social networks as “an unjustified harsh procedure”, the Public Relations and Information Directorate in the Ministry issued a statement yesterday explaining the steps taken before taking such a decision against any parent.


“All public and private schools follow the regularity of students and their compulsory attendance in the basic education stage. If the student is absent for more than 10 consecutive days or separated from the school, the school will try to address this absence by mutual understanding with the parents to find out why and find appropriate solutions. In case school cannot find a solution, the matter would be referred to the concerned departments, which will ensure the safety of all actions taken by the school’s administration,” Public Relations and Information Director Fawaz Al Shurooqi said.

“If it’s proved that the parents are the cause of the student’s absence and that they’re not cooperating with the concerned departments, they would be warned with a letter registered with the knowledge of access. Then, legal proceedings would be followed by transferring the case to the competent authorities in the Ministry to take the necessary action against them in the event of continued absence of the student and follow up with the Legal Affairs Department at the ministry”, Al Shorooqi explained, adding that the ministry successfully completed 79 cases of long absence during the previous school year, thanks to the ministry’s effective procedures.