*** Woks Minister inspects North Town road project | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Woks Minister inspects North Town road project

ManamaMinister of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning Essam bin Abdulla Khalaf toured the site of the Southern Entrance to North Town to inspect work progress.

The Minister was accompanied by Works Affairs Undersecretary Ahmed Al Khayyat, Roads Assistant Undersecretary Huda Fakhro, Roads Projects and Maintenance Director Sayyed Bader Alawi and Roads Planning and Design Director Eng. Kadhim Abdul Latif.

The Ministry is presently working on connecting North Town to the roads network, where the internal roads are to be implemented by the Housing Ministry, while the main roads surrounding North Town, all entrances and exits will be implemented by the Works Ministry. 

The Ministry has also looked into the possibility of connecting the roads leading to North Town to Avenue 36, which is a link to Saar and vice versa. This will contribute to alleviating traffic congestion to and from the village and other villages in the vicinity.

The Minister listened to a detailed explanation about the upcoming phase and other remaining phases. He reiterated the importance of adhering to work schedule in order to complete work as per the planned completion date. Reference was also made to the detailed scheme for North Highway, which will serve a number of villages and investment projects.

“The construction of North Highway will take place parallel to the revamp and expansion of a number of roads/highways, to ensure connecting those main highways to North Highway as part of the structural scheme, which was approved upon a royal decree,” stated the Minister.

The project is expected to serve 5000 housing units, being the first link to North Town. The North Town entrances and exits project is a vital part of the Kingdom’s roads network and has been approved by the Works Ministry.