*** Appeals court upholds jail term for burglary | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Appeals court upholds jail term for burglary

Manama : The Second Higher Criminal Court (appeals court) has upheld the sixth months jail sentence awarded to three men who were accused of stealing cash, gold and electronic devices worth BD5,000 from a house.

Earlier, the defendants had pleaded not guilty after the lower court sentenced them to six months jail and deportation, in addition to denying future entry to the Kingdom.

“The defendants, Asian nationals, climbed the walls of the house the night of the incident and broke in, with the intention of stealing whatever they could get their hands on, before fleeing the scene,” the case files said.

According to court files, the three men stole eight mobile phones, an electronic tablet and seven pieces of jewellery (gold), in addition to five watches, BD300 in cash and a set of silverware.

The victim had told the police that the stolen goods are worth BD5,000. One of the defendants confessed to his crime and told the interrogators that he sold some of the stolen jewellery for BD500, which he said he used to pay for his residency permit renewal fees.