*** ‘Citizens are Kingdom’s most precious wealth’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

‘Citizens are Kingdom’s most precious wealth’

ManamaHis Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa yesterday asserted that Bahrain’s strength and progress lie in the unity of its people. 

“And this is the secret of Bahrain’s leadership in various fields,” the Premier said, praising the keenness of Bahraini citizens in honouring their nation and responding positively to development programmes.

The Prime Minister was speaking while receiving Royal Family members and a number of state officials at the Gudaibiya Palace yesterday.

HRH Premier affirmed that the Bahraini citizens are the most precious wealth of the nation, as well as its investment and guarantor for ensuring a good present and a bright future.

He noted that meeting the citizens’ needs is a national priority, adding that the constant directives to ministers to meet the citizens are just one of the mechanisms to identify their needs.

HRH the Prime Minister asserted that Bahrain boasts a rich heritage reflecting its honourable history, noting that the government has allocated great importance to the national history through regulations and laws that provide it with all forms of protection. 

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