*** ----> Bahrain condemns N. Korea ballistic missile | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain condemns N. Korea ballistic missile

Manama : Bahrain has strongly condemned North Korea's firing of a ballistic missile that passed over the Japanese island of Hokkaido before falling into the Pacific Ocean. 

"This acts as a new provocative step that is considered a flagrant violation of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and carries a serious threat to Japan's safety and international peace and security," said the ministry's statement issued today.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirms the Kingdom of Bahrain's solidarity with Japan and stresses the importance of North Korea's commitment to Security Council resolutions as well as positive cooperation with all efforts and measures necessary to consolidate peace. It also stresses the need for the international community to stop all practices that would create tension and ensure the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency on all nuclear programmes and activities."