*** ----> Strip Suu Kyi of her Nobel Prize: Rights activists | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Strip Suu Kyi of her Nobel Prize: Rights activists

Manama : Several Bahraini human rights activists yesterday called upon international organisations to urgently intervene in Rohingya people crisis, who are victims of ethnic cleansing in Myanmar.

Joining the international chorus for withdrawal of Nobel Peace Prize from Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi for her disregard for the humanitarian crisis, the Kingdom of Arakan Organisation Secretary General Ebtisam Hejres condemned the crimes against Rohingyas committed in Myanmar and the oppression of the Rohingya people.

Hejres, an ex parliamentarian in Bahrain, was elected in December, 2015, as the first Bahraini Secretary General of the Sweden-based Kingdom of Arakan Organisation, which supports and defends the rights of the oppressed Rohingya people.

She said in a recent statement that the disregard for the Rohingya people by the Myanmar Government and the international community has made them victims of genocide and ethnic cleansing.

“The case will not be solved without solid intervention from the countries that surround the Arakan Province in Myanmar. They should open their borders to those escaping the killings and bloodshed. The international community should also apply pressure on Myanmar government, which has been providing political and military coverage for the crimes committed there,” Hejres said.

“The preoccupation with the issues taking place in various parts of the world has made Buddhist extremists to commit new crimes of genocide against the Rohingyas, as we are witnessing and living in our time. Hence the human and moral responsibility towards the  Rohingyas and considering the situation of Arakan Province, the Arakan Organisation calls on non-governmental organisations and associations to assume their responsibilities and cooperate in identifying and eradicating these crimes. The media should also meet its ethical responsibilities to expose such crimes,” Hejres said.


Withdraw Nobel Prize

Hejres joined the international chorus for withdrawal of the Nobel Peace Prize from Myanmar Political Leader Aung San Suu Kyi. “Human rights activists around the world stood by her and nominated her for the prize back in 1991, when she endured oppression by the military dictatorial system in Myanmar. But when her party won the elections, she did nothing to end the despair of the Rohingya people. She doesn’t deserve this prestigious peace prize,” she said,


Campaign to end crisis

In another development, several international human rights groups and organisations have launched a campaign to withdraw the prize from Kyi.

General Coordinator of the campaign and Bahrain Human Rights Watch Society (BHRWS) General Secretary Faisal Fulad announced that the campaign is titled “The People of the World to Stop Oppression in Burma”.

In addition to BHRWS, human rights groups from the GCC and the entire world are taking part in the campaign. They will organise a huge demonstration outside the Myanmar Embassy in London on Sunday under the slogan “Return the Nobel Prize”, demanding Suu Kyi to either intervene and stop the genocide or return the prize.

The Rohingya people are a Muslim ethnic group that has faced severe repression in Myanmar, where a Buddhist majority has long ruled. About one million of them live in Rakhine State in the west of the country. Another 300,000 to 500,000 live in Bangladesh, many of them in grim refugee camps.

International reports say at least 270, 000 of them escaped the brutal killings and torture in their land in the past two weeks.

According to the United Nations Refugee Agency, at least 1, 000 were killed recently.

Bahrain Foreign Affairs Ministry has condemned the genocides against the Rohingya people and called for immediate solution to their plight.