*** Free bus rides for Bahrain students | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Free bus rides for Bahrain students

ManamaPublic school students in the Kingdom will be able to enjoy free rides to their school this year, thanks to the Education Ministry for providing over 700 air-conditioned buses. 

“This school year, 2017-2018, the ministry has provided 650 buses to transport more than 37,000 students,” said Assistant Undersecretary for Financial Resources and Services Khalid Al Ghareeb, yesterday. 


The government, Al Ghareeb said, has also provided 12 specially modified buses for special needs students and 27 buses for students enrolled in the evening schooling continuous education programmes. 

He also confirmed that the service will be provided ‘free of charge to all public school pupils’ and that the teachers and students will be allowed to use the buses for educational trips as well as field visits. 


The Undersecretary also announced that the ministry has devised a mechanism to monitor the buses on a daily basis to ensure its safety. “All buses underwent comprehensive maintenance to ensure students’ safety,” he added.  

The scheme, Al Ghareeb said, comes from the ministry’s concern about students welfare and efforts to provide the best services to them.