*** ----> Strong will key to end global conflicts: Premier | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Strong will key to end global conflicts: Premier

ManamaHis Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa yesterday said that success of the international efforts to promote global security and stability requires strong will and concerted efforts to work out solutions for causes of wars and conflicts in many regions in the world.

Addressing the world marking the International Day of Peace, which is observed on September 21, HRH the Premier underlined the need to direct the international community’s efforts towards fostering global peace and security in order to achieve comprehensive development and boost people’s welfare. 

He pointed out Bahrain’s keenness, under the leadership of His Majesty the King, to back collective efforts aimed at achieving international peace by honouring its international obligations or hailing all initiatives in this regard. 

HRH the Premier asserted that the essence of human co-existence is based on pluralism as well as cultural and civilisational diversity. He emphasised that all divine religions underline the value of peace and preach tolerance within a framework that preserves dignity for all.

HRH the Prime Minister said the tragedies in some parts of the world resulted in a state of instability and the emergence of tragic phenomena that need to be dealt with radically to stave off an imminent danger to the future of humanity at all levels. He warned of any leniency in handling the real causes of international conflicts, pointing out the repercussions that might engender on countries considering themselves immune. HRH Premier lauded celebrating the International Day of Peace this year by focusing it on the issue of immigrants and refugees which, he said, has become a surging phenomenon due to the tensions and conflicts in many parts of the world forcing people to flee the places where they lived. 

HRH the Prime Minister called to provide more support for the international organisations and the civil society institutions that are concerned with the refugees’ issues to enable them to fulfill their humanitarian mission in preserving the dignity of this category of people who are suffering from the cruelty of displacement and alienation. 

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