*** Respect rights of Bahraini workers, Qatar Airways urged | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Respect rights of Bahraini workers, Qatar Airways urged

ManamaThe human rights watchdog in the Kingdom has expressed its concerns over the arbitrary termination of Bahraini workers employed in  Qatar Airways.

Commenting on the recent plea of Bahraini employees of the airlines over their sudden dismissal, the National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR) called upon Qatar Airways, which is owned by the Qatari Government, to respect the employees’ rights.

“The right to work and the rights of workers are important principles on which human rights are based, and the right to have decent work is guaranteed in international human rights charters and is the source of human dignity, family stability and the key to the prosperity of societies,” the NIHR said in a statement posted on its official page on Instagram. 

“Based on the principles mentioned in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, relevant ILO conventions, the Arab Charter on Human Rights and the Gulf Declaration on Human Rights, we call upon all the related authorities, especially Qatar Airways to respect these rights,” NIHR said.

The statement came after 27 Bahraini employees of the airlines announced that they were informed by the company’s manager here that their services are no more needed.

The employees have  pleaded to  the  authorities  here  to  look into their  situations,  as   they’re left jobless  with financial commitments with banks and other establishments, in addition  to  ordinary  expenses.

According to a circular which DT News obtained a copy of and was issued by the airlines management here, the 27 employees were given until tomorrow (September 22) as the last working day for them in the company.