*** ----> Dark web just got a lot darker | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Dark web just got a lot darker

Manama : Companies, organisations and governmental bodies should be wary of the increased cyber-security threats posed by the ‘dark web’, according to cybersecurity expert Richard Cremona.

Talking to DT News, Cremona warned that the hidden part of the World Wide Web known as ‘dark web’, accessible only through special software, has become more sophisticated than ever and is posing an increased threat to

“Companies should absolutely be cognizant of the rise of the dark web as technologies are becoming more
and more sophisticated,” he said adding: “This is not a phenomenon that should be ignored.” 

Three things to do 

Explaining more, Cremona said that there are “three things that the organisations must do” to avoid threats.

Firstly, he said, an organisation should take a full assessment of their operating environment. 

Secondly, they should approach “third-party experts to check the security of their organisation.”

“Thirdly there should be an ongoing educational experience to be constantly updated with the latest threats and technologies,” he added. 

More illicit than drug trade!

“Hacking used to be malicious, he said, but now it is more than that. “It has really transformed itself into a corporate environment.” 

According to him, there are “more illicit trade in cyber hacking than in the drug trade.”

“There are companies that are being set up for this sole purpose,” he said. “It has really grown.”

“Yet there are many in the corporate world that fail to take cyber-hacking seriously,” he added warning: “They cannot afford to take this lightly.”  

Identity theft

Richard Cremona viewed identity theft as the most commonly used strategies by hackers.

“Identity theft can be the cornerstone of cyber security because it attacks the individual and any assets the individual owns out there,” he said.