*** Cyber drill to handle online attacks | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Cyber drill to handle online attacks

ManamaInformation & eGovernment Authority (iGA) organized a regular meeting and workshop for the Cyber Hawks team in cooperation with Kaspersky Lab.

iGA Chief Executive Mohamed Ali AlQaed along with iGA Acting CE of Operations & Governance Shaikh Salman bin Mohammed AlKhalifa attended the event.

During the event ‘Cyber Trust’ accreditation certificate was presented to a number of senior executives who represent entities.

With the participation of 60 specialists in the information security arena, the meeting is a continuation of authority’s efforts that aim at raising the maturity level of the IT field which is reflected on the services provided to individuals and society institutions. 

During the meeting and in coordination with Kaspersky Lab, the first cyber drill for the Cyber Hawks team was conducted. The drill aimed at demonstrating the importance of securing and protecting online systems in the public sector, the impact of accidents and security attacks which hit these systems in the government institutions and how to develop solutions as well as policies to stand strong against similar attacks in the future. 

The launch of the ‘Cyber Hawks’ initiative comes in light of iGA’s efforts that seek to enhance the level of security for infrastructure, systems and government services in accordance to government direction and in line with its Work Plan that works towards raising the security level in Bahrain’s government sector. 

iGA CE honoured four government organizations which have joined the Cyber Trust initiative for information security. Secretary General of the Royal Charity Organization Dr. Mustafa AlSayed, Supreme Council for Environment Chief Executive Dr. Mohamed Mubarak bin Daina, National Oil & Gas Authority Secretary General Dr. Ahmed Ali Al Sharyyan and Ministry of Transportation & Telecommunications Assistant Undersecretary for Resources & Information Arif Hasan AlMansouri were all honoured during the event. 

On the occasion, AlQaed congratulated these entities for successfully fulfilling and meeting the requirements of the first maturity level that qualified them to earn the accreditation certificate by the authority as he explained how he values their efforts and wishes them all the best in accomplishing the two following levels. 

AlQaed stressed that high technical capabilities and modern electronic devices as well as advanced programs which the Kingdom utilizes to deliver its services in various aspects of life make it vulnerable to cyber-attacks in targeting its service agencies; not to mention attacks affecting individuals.

On his part, Shaikh Salman said that the Cyber Hawks initiative succeeded in achieving its objectives of increasing coordination and collaboration amongst various government entities to detect and address potential cyber-attacks; contain them as soon as possible while ensuring protection and security of state information. 

“At Kaspersky Lab, we are aligned with Bahrain’s government vision and are dedicated to introduce training programs, next-generation intelligent services and products that will assist Bahrain taking steady steps towards a nation safe from cyber threats,” said Maxim Frolov, Managing Director of META at the Kaspersky Lab.