*** ----> New era of aviation awaits Bahrain: BAC CEO | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

New era of aviation awaits Bahrain: BAC CEO

ManamaA new era of aviation awaits Bahrain, Bahrain Airport Company (BAC) Chief Executive Officer, Mohamed Yousif Al Binfalah told aviation experts, consultants, and airport operators from around the world as he revealed new details of the ongoing Airport Modernisation Programme (AMP) at the 2nd Airports Arabia Conference. 

BAC, which operates and manages the Bahrain International Airport (BIA), is overseeing the ongoing expansion that will turn the airport into a world-class facility with higher volume capacities and improved passenger experience.

“Once completed, the main passenger terminal building will have an area of 210,000sqm, and the airport overall will be able to accommodate an annual volume of 14 million passengers,” Al Binfalah said. 

Facilities also include new check-in counters, e-gates offering passengers more convenience and speed. 

The Departure Hall will have a much-expanded retail and food & beverage offerings including the development of a dedicated other airline CIP lounges. A new airside hotel will be opened giving passengers more options. 

“Our capacity building plans will see us continue with the training programme Tahleeq through expanding its outreach to cover hospitality and facilities management technicians programs. Furthermore, significant progress is being made in constructing the new fuel farm and hydrant system through BAC Jet Fuel Company.”

Al Binfalah told the conference that BAC is currently undergoing a comprehensive Operational Readiness and Airport Transfer (ORAT) program in partnership with Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide to ensure that all the stakeholders are ready to transfer in 2019 to the new passenger terminal building.  

The conference, which is organised by the Bahrain Society of Engineers, focused on subjects related to passenger terminals, such as planning, design, terminal systems, and airport access.  Al Binfalah, who was the Chairman of the Airport Cities session, delivered a presentation on Airport Management Systems and also led the BAC delegation attending the event, which was held at ART Rotana Amwaj Islands. 

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