*** Bahrain MPs suggest expat only health centre | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain MPs suggest expat only health centre

ManamaParliamentarians have made a proposal to establish a health centre exclusively for expatriate patients in the Kingdom. 

The proposal claims that the move, if approved, would reduce pressure on public healthcare facilities in the Kingdom. 

Five MPs have signed the proposal which was recently passed by the Services Committee in the House of Representatives.

In a letter to the committee, the MPs explained that the measure, if approved, would help improve the quality of services offered at the public health centres, especially in highly populated areas. 

Health Ministry, however, rejected the proposal citing financial reasons. It clarified that all citizens and residents are included in its scheme to provide health services in accordance with their residential addresses.

Meanwhile, Bahrain Free Labour Unions Federation voiced its support for the proposal.