*** Impressions and Expressions | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Impressions and Expressions

Manama : ‘Sculpture is the art of intelligence.’ These words by Pablo Picasso highlight the beauty of our minds, which radiates a variety of ideas, and colours, which are given shape by our hands. What makes a work, a matter of praise solely lies in what is being conveyed. 

Architect and sculptor Sudeep Deshpande’s works throw light on what one rarely pays attention to:  ‘Emotions’.  His exhibition ‘Impressions and Expressions’ being held at the West Tower of Bahrain Financial Harbour will continue till October 28, after which it will be shifted to the East Tower.

“Hailing from a family of artists, I look at art as a blessing, which is the sole medium for communicating the emotions of the surroundings. Sculpture is one such thing, where one is able to showcase the intricacies of not just the mind, but even the emotions, which are unheard or unaddressed,” says Deshpande.

Talking about the theme, ‘Impressions and Expressions’, he says, “This theme puts a ray of light on the emotions we undergo every moment.  The way we have been brought up, and various other feelings, we experience, depending upon the circumstances we are presented in. I strongly believe that every impression has an expression, and that is something, which defines us, our personality.” 

Being an architect by profession, he credits his father, Late Sudhir Deshpande, who was a painter as well as a sculptor, for introducing him to the world of Art. “My work is abstract, where I focus on what the image has to tell. I explored subjects on family, love, ambition, lonely days, a couple upbringing, music/the musician. These subjects showcase what goes on in their minds. For example, for lonely days, the person will be in a complete shock, where he will want to just burst out. One of the main factor for loneliness springs from not expressing your emotions. Sometimes, a person has a lot to say but stops himself from saying for the fear of being rebuked. This attitude of theirs isolates them from the rest, thus adding more misery to their loneliness.” 

He further adds, “Similarly, for ambition, love, family, a couple upbringing, and music/ musician, their urge to excel in every sphere, and be prim and proper is the emotion, they are going through. Success is a very powerful factor, which either makes a person proud, or humble. To excel in every sphere is a good phenomenon, but the emotions one undergoes, is a question, as it can either be driven by a negative experience or a positive one.”


Every person is driven by motivation, which propels to bring out the beauty in the work they do. “When I started sculpting for the exhibition, in the early February of this month, I began searching for inspiration, which would bring life to my artwork. I credit my wife, Snighda for the patience she has shown towards my passion for art. She is my inspiration, as she stood during my thick and thin, and has supported me a lot, because of which, I am able to exhibit my artwork. My father’s sudden passing away crippled me mentally, but his inspiring words, made me stand up, and that, in fact, has been the driving force, because of which, I have been able to produce artwork on intense subjects,” adds the sculptor.  

Some works may not be driven by motivation but may be random, and this randomness also highlights specific elements, which tend to convey meaning. “Randomness is also a theme, which many don’t pay attention to. At times, a sculptor is not motivated, but creates things, purely out of entertainment, or for the love of that art. But, most don’t realize that randomness is a state of mind, which makes one produce artwork, they wouldn’t have imagined, would attract more attention towards it. But for a sculptor to remain in the state of randomness also is not good, as thoughts should keep changing, and should flow like a river, in order to let fresh ideas seep in,” adds Sudeep.

Sculpture has its unique beauty, which conveys hidden meanings in an apt way. “The mind of a sculptor should be empty, in order to produce fresh pieces, which motivate, inspire, empathize and fill one with love, whenever people look at it. There is a sculptor hidden in every person, and once the ability to understand the intricacies of the emotions is intense, then understand that you are on the path to becoming a great sculptor,” signs off Deshpande.

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