*** Bahraini social activist Bukhallaf passes away | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini social activist Bukhallaf passes away

ManamaBahraini social activist Mohammed Khalifa Al Dossary aka Bukhallaf, passed away of hypoglycemia in Saar yesterday. He was in his late fifties.

A retired soldier of Bahrain Defence Force from Budaiya town and a well-known face in Bahrain and fellow GCC countries for his video messages on social media networks, mainly on YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat, Bukhallaf was followed by around 22, 000 users on Instagram alone.

The deceased tackled different social issues in the Bahraini society and GCC region in general.

He also visited, honoured and interviewed many Bahraini artists, social workers, entrepreneurs and social figures, supporting them  and  shedding  light  on  their achievements.

Bukhallaf’s house has been famous in Bahrain for its unique decoration, as he placed statues of soldiers and fighter jets on its terrace. He was also featured in DT News.

“He was normal when I met him at the local coffee shop in Budaiya in the afternoon. I was told that he entered a cold store in Saar and fell while exiting at around 5 pm. The bystanders helped him and gave him some sweets. He was still alive until the ambulance arrived. We are still not sure if he died while on the way to the hospital or after the ambulance reached,” Mohammed Haider, a neighbour and a friend of Bukhallaf told DT News.

The deceased is survived by his wife, five daughters and two sons. 

His body will be laid to rest in Budaiya graveyard today afternoon.