*** ----> Bahrain Islamic Bank backs WIBC | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain Islamic Bank backs WIBC

Manama : Bahrain Islamic Bank (BisB) yesterday announced its backing to the “24th World Islamic Banking Conference.”

“We are proud of our partnership with this prestigious conference, being one of the largest and most influential annual meetings with the world’s top leaders in the Islamic finance sector,” said Hassan Jarrar, Chief Executive Officer of BisB. 

“Over the past years, the conference has provided opportunities for the development of the global Islamic finance industry. Our constant participation in the conference has strengthened our knowledge in trend-setting and technology, which contributes to the development of our work to continuously provide our customers with the best experience,” he added. 

The three-day conference, under the theme ‘Drivers of Economic Growth and Risks: Policy Makers & Regulators’ is being held at Art Rotana Hotel, Amwaj Island.

On the second day, Jarrar and a number of executives from local and regional banks, addressed the issues of the increasing market share and geographical impact of Islamic banks.

Over 1,300 world-renowned leaders, experts, and bank representatives from over 50 countries are taking in the conference.