*** Qatar…the patron of anarchy | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Qatar…the patron of anarchy

When a country is labelled by its closest neighbors as a patron of anarchy and crisis, you do know that what this country has done to its neighbors is beyond acceptance, tolerance and brotherly values and ethics.

That’s what Qatar has now become due to its stances towards Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt who have boycotted it since June last year.

Yesterday an event organized by the Bahrain

Center for Strategic,International and Energy Studies brought media figures from all around the world to highlight Qatar’s approach towards harboring terrorists, financially supporting militia groups, interfering in other Arab states internal affairs and financially supporting terrorist organizations and in general destabilizing the region through such actions and above all enhancing its ties with Iran that has been nothing but an enemy to its neighboring states,Bahrain, UAE and Saudi Arabia.

Qatar has gone beyond all the norms with its arrogant stances towards its neighbors and for the past seven months it has been on the losing end of this crisis.

Of course let’s not forget the fact that all the actions of Qatar towards the boycotting countries including Egypt and Libya has led to bloodshed through the loss of many lives that Qatar would never be able to compensate in any form.

 The Qatari regime chose to act in a hostile manner towards Arab national securitywhen it directly targeted the security of the Gulf region and ensued crises that led to extremely dangerous consequences since 1995.

 We, Bahrainis,suffered from Qatari interventions on several levels and throughout our modern history we have witnessed it. In 2001, Qatar presented forged and falsified historical documents to the International Court of Justice in The Hague in order to win Hawar Islands that represented one third of Bahrain’s territory, and attempted to invoke an international entity to win what wasn’t theirs, Bahrain’s land.

 Qatar also worked on exploitingnaturalization to serve its subversive agenda by intentionally damaging the demographic structureof Bahrain..

And prior to the boycott, we all remember the documented telephone communications and remittances that revealed the extent of Qatari support for terrorist groups to target Bahrains legitimate system.

Diplomacy failed with Qatar and despite several moves taken against it by Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Egypt, Qatar continued to financeterrorist groups and to harbor terrorist organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood in addition to  choosing to spin in the orbit ofIran’s expansionist ideology that mainly aims at hitting its neighboring Arab countries that have for the past four decades stood in the face of theAyatollah regime that has consistently attempted to spread their ideologies. Welayat Al Faqeeh.

Qatar has today thrown itself in the arms of the Iranians who themselves have issues with dealing with protests against the current Ayatollah regime all over the country.

Qatar bet on the wrong friends. Iran would never stand by Qatar especially with the biggest issue on its own plate, the regime the people of Iran are attempting to overthrow.

Turkey, we can all bet on, will not stand with its military forces by Qatar for much longer because what Qatar believes may happen, a military intervention by its GCC neighbors, will not happen.

On this table, Doha will be left alone, labelled as the patron of anarchy and crisis.