*** Fuel price hike not illegal: Government | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Fuel price hike not illegal: Government

ManamaThe government yesterday said the fuel price hike was neither illegal nor unconstitutional. 

Speaking at a session of the Representatives Council, the Minister of Shura and Representatives Councils Affairs Ghanim Al Buainain said the fuel price hike was  approved by the Representatives Council when the government presented its plan to them in the year 2015.

Meanwhile, certain members in the Council of Representatives yesterday moved an urgent proposal asking the government to rethink on the fuel price hike, which the lawmakers said would impact the lives of the ordinary citizens of the Kingdom.

The proposal was moved by MPs Isa Turki, Abdulrahman Boumjeed, Dheyab Al-Nuaimi, Ali Al-Muqla and Mohammed Al-Emadi. First Deputy Speaker Ali Abdulla Al-Aradi chaired the session when the proposal was moved.

“A letter has already been forwarded to the government seeking suspension of the fuel price hike. We are trying to find alternative solutions to make things less burdensome to the ordinary citizens,” said MP Mohammed Al Ammadi.

“The agenda on schedule yesterday was pushed to the next week as our main concern was the fuel price hike. The decision is completely illegal as the order to hike fuel prices came unannounced and without discussing the matter with the lawmakers,” said MP Jamal Dawood.

“The government needs to realise that the earning power of Bahrain vastly varies compared to other GCC countries. The government decision will fuel prices without any increase in the real income of the people,” he added.

The National Oil and Gas Authority (Noga) yesterday increased the fuel prices. The cost of Mumtaz (95 octane) petrol rose from 160 fils to 200 fils per litre. Jayyid (91 octane) fuel increased from 140 fils per litre from the previous 125 fils.

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