*** ----> Huge task ahead for BCCI poll panel | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Huge task ahead for BCCI poll panel

ManamaOrganising the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) election is a mammoth task, considering the cumbersome electoral process, huge number of voters and the limited space available at the voting venue, the electoral committee of the Chamber said yesterday.

The election scheduled for March 10 will see thousands of businessmen casting their votes to elect the Board of Directors of the BCCI. 

“More than 50,000 members have already registered to vote in the elections,” said Chairperson of the elections committee, Jassim Hassan Abdul A’Al. 

He said that the election is going to be the largest in the history of BCCI and will be a challenge for the organizers with limited space available at Isa Cultural Centre,  the venue of the elections.

“The number of Commercial Registrations with BCCI has increased dramatically and as a result, we have an increase in the number of voters. More than 50,000 have already registered and the numbers will go up even further in the next 10 days. To accommodate a high number of people will be a challenge for us because of the space limitations at the venue, but we will make it work. In spite of the limitations of the venue as well as the limited budget, we will do our best,” he told DT News.

He said that an open meeting will be held tomorrow at 11 am on the first floor of Bait Al Tijjar premises in Sanabis which will shed light on the election process. He urged members to attend the meeting as many topics related to the elections such as its preparations, candidacy prerequisites and so on will be discussed in depth.

In a statement released yesterday, BCCI has urged its members to renew their membership and CR to be eligible to vote. Members of the Chamber whose CR or membership will expire on or before  March 10 can renew their CR and membership in accordance with the CR records of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism.

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