*** ----> Appeal rejected in drunk driving case | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Appeal rejected in drunk driving case

ManamaThe High Criminal Court yesterday upheld the two-month imprisonment and BD1,000 fine sentence awarded to a  driver who rammed five cars under the influence of alcohol near Hamad Town last year.

According to court files, the Asian national borrowed his friend’s car after a drinking session in Souq Waqef area near Hamad Town. The man hit five cars before he was arrested by the traffic police. The blood alcohol test showed that alcohol levels in his blood were 160 percent.

The man was charged with driving without a license, driving under the influence of alcohol, negligence and damaging private property. He appealed against the verdict, but the court rejected his appeal. The owner of the car was fined BD200 for allowing the main suspect to drive his vehicle and acknowledging that he is not licensed to drive.