*** ----> Fight terror, nations urged | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Fight terror, nations urged

ManamaParticipants  at the National Action Charter (NAC) Conference and Exhibition held here yesterday rejected all forms of foreign interference in the domestic affairs of Bahrain and countries in the region.

Calling on the international community to fight terror and its financing,  the conference asserted full support to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and his vision.

The conference was organised by the Representatives Council, in cooperation with the International Peace Institute (IPI), under the theme “Future Prospects, Sustainable Development and Peace.”

NAC is the main historical document in the history of the Kingdom which was unanimously approved by the Bahraini people through a referendum. NAC has become a major reference and a key pillar of the Reform Project and the democratic process of the state of the law and institutions.

The participants, according to conference communiqué read by MP Abdulrahman Bu Majeed, deplored all forms of foreign interference and called for national campaigns to strengthen the nation’s values, respect for the state of law and institutions, as well as to promote the values of citizenship, human rights and social justice, and to counter any attempts aimed at undermining national unity or harming social fabric.

National security

The participants said that the security, territorial integrity should be protected, safeguarding the socio-economic and political gains, as stipulated in Chapter IV of the National Action Charter. These are the top priority of the nation, participants said.

The conference called for intensifying participation in the public and political life and strengthening the democratic practices guaranteed by the Constitution. 

The conference also lauded the fundamental principles of the Gulf Cooperation Council, noting that the security of Bahrain and that of other GCC countries are indivisible and integral.

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