Alba names acting COO

Manama : Aluminium Bahrain (Alba) announced the appointment of Dr Abdulla Habib Ahmed as the Acting Chief Operations Officer (COO) with immediate effect, following the meeting of the Company’s Board of Directors on February 08, 2018.

Dr. Abdulla joined Alba in 1995 as a Trainee Engineer. During the last 22 years, he has held various supervisory and management roles in Alba -- Superintendent Reduction Line (2002); R&D Manager (2009); Reduction Lines Manager (2011); Customers Technical Support Manager (2013); Director of Reduction Lines and Services (2015) and Director of Reduction Line 6 Start-up (2017).

Commenting on Dr. Abdulla’s appointment, Alba’s Chief Executive Officer, Tim Murray, said:  “Abdulla has more than 20 years of diversified operations experience in Alba and showed great mettle during the Line 5 Recovery situation. His appointment as the acting COO of Alba comes at a notable time as we progress on the Line 6 Expansion Project and I am confident the Executive team will greatly benefit with Abdulla in the new position.”

Dr. Abdulla attained PhD. degree in Chemical Engineering - Aluminium Smelting from University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia in June 2016. He has an MBA from French Arabian School/ESSEC in addition to B.Sc.in Chemical Engineering.