*** Distribution of housing units | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Distribution of housing units

ManamaThe Ministry of Housing has announced the distribution of residential units in East Al Hidd City and apartments in Hajjiyat and Tubli projects to women in the waiting lists, marking the 17th anniversary of the National Action Charter, and commensurate with the Constitutional warranties of Bahraini women’s rights.

The distribution process that took place in the ministry reflects the Royal patronage of His Majesty the King of the housing dossier to provide suitable homes and the special care for women by Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, wife of His Majesty the King and President of the Supreme Council of Women, and in appreciation of the role of women as basic partners in the community and supporter of the ongoing progress led by His Majesty through his reforms, according to Housing Minister Bassim bin Yaqoub Al Hamer.

He added that the Housing Ministry has always been keen on the provision of the right of accommodation to women as one of the essential rights ensured by the Constitution, supporting the stability of families and decent living.

He pointed out that about 3,800 women receive housing allowance at present who are included in the ministry’s waiting lists, at total of BD 4,560,000. The ministry dedicated 1,474 housing services to the eligible in the waiting lists, with services varying from a housing unit, apartment, purchase-construct-and-repair funding in addition to the beneficiaries from “Mazaya” programme and residential plots.

Al Hamer added that the relationship between the Ministry and the Supreme Council of Women has its effect in the Bahraini women’s obtaining the diverse services provided by the ministry.

“Masaken” is one of the major projects indicative of the ministry’s keenness and care to provide the housing needs of women as the result of the cooperation between the Supreme Council of Women and the Ministry of Housing aimed to provide housing services to the fifth category as per Ministerial Resolution 909/2015 which covers the childless divorcee, abandoned, widow or single woman who lost both parents.