*** ----> RUW, Garmco announce deal | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

RUW, Garmco announce deal

Manama : The College of Business and Financial Sciences signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Gulf Aluminium Rolling Mill (Garmco), to support the students of the Royal University for Women (RUW) and to contribute to the needs of the industry, economic development and growth of the country.

The move is aimed at supporting student learning and to contribute to the needs of the industry, economic development and growth of the country. 

RUW president, Prof. Mazin Jummah, stated that the university is always seeking to provide distinguished opportunities for its students and prepare them with the necessary skills to make them employable. Explaining that this agreement allows students to apply the theoretical aspect of working and develop their personal skills.

Mohamed Issa, GM Garmco, explained that Garmco recognizes the importance of preparing graduates and honing their capabilities. 

Dr. Hala Elias, Dean of the College of Business and Financial Sciences, emphasised that the college has moved beyond the traditional way of teaching and is working on developing collaborations in terms of problem-based learning and research partnerships with industry.