*** ----> Become a tourist guide | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Become a tourist guide

ManamaThe Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) is hosting a training programme for ‘tourism guides’ in collaboration with the World Tourism Organization (WTO).

The move falls in line with the authority’s cooperation with the World Federation of Tourist Guides Associations (WTFGA). 

The six-week programme, held across two phases, will be entitled ‘tour guiding principles’ will focus on providing necessary training and practical guidance for about 100 participants. 

The second phase of the programme will target 12 participants and will be held under the theme of “Train the Trainer”. It will focus on training the mentors to become trainers or trainers who wish to enhance their training skills and gain accreditation from the World Tourism

“The Authority has always sought to develop its human capital and sharpen their skills, which stems from its belief in their vital role in the progress and development of the tourism sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Providing services to visitors and meeting their needs, thereby enhancing their tourism experience,” said the Director of Facilities and Tourism Services at the BTEA, Hesham Al Saken.


“Due to the vital role played by tour guides, this course has been specially designed to develop their abilities and ensure that they have the highest standards of quality so that they can perform their job in the best possible manner. We will announce more training courses across various fields in the future,” he said.

These courses are part of the overall strategy of the BTEA to promote tourism identity (Ours.Yours), which focuses on promoting the Bahraini tourism product on the regional and global levels in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.