*** ----> Korean orchestra to regale Bahrainis | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Korean orchestra to regale Bahrainis

ManamaBahraini audience is being geared up to witness the enchanting tunes of the most traditional musical instruments in the Korean Culture, the Gayageum, as the world renowned Sookmyung Gayageum Orchestra is to make its debut in the cultural seen of the Kingdom of Bahrain as part of the Spring of Culture 2018.

Under the patronage of the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities, the Sookmyung Gayageum Orchestra is all set to warm the hearts of the Bahraini audience on March 14, 2018 at the Cultural Hall of the National Museum at 08:00pm. Entry is free.

Formed in 1999, Sookmyung Gayageum Orchestra has the distinction of being the first orchestra of its kind. The orchestra consists of 30 ladies. Sookmyung Gayageum Orchestra rose as a star in Korean music scene, having performed in many major national and international events including concert tour to Japan, Sweden, Russia, China, Iran, Indonesia, and invitational performance at the Masee du Quai Branly in Paris, France.

Some of the music performed by the orchestra has gained popularity among the masses. Especially a rendition of “Pachelbel’s Cannon” for a B-Boy dance routine which caused quite a star in 2006. Since then, the orchestra continued to work to complete several dramatized performances including “The Palace of the Spring”Lovely Gayageum” and “Gayageum and B-boys.”

Repertoire of the orchestra includes Korean court music, classical music, popular music, and lounge music.