*** ----> Art Bahrain Across Borders | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Art Bahrain Across Borders

ManamaArtists and art galleries from all over the world were generous in their praise of ArtBAB (Art Bahrain Across Borders), the homegrown international art fair. 

Now in its third edition, the exhibition features an eclectic mix of art from sculpture to 3D art and mixed media as well as a large collection of Bahraini contemporary artists’ work in the central BAAB Pavilion.

“I have been a participant in the ArtBAB exhibitions from the time the movement was launched in 2016 and I believe that it has had a big impact on the Bahrain art movement,” said well-known Bahraini artist Balqees Fakhro, “When first-time exhibitors took part in the London exhibition, they also got to visit art museums there and interact with artists in Britain. I notice now that there has been a vast improvement in their techniques and they are more imaginative about their own work.”

She continued, “Last year, ArtBAB took us to New Delhi and Mumbai and I got to visit a famous gallery in Ahmedabad that showed an interest in my work. Today, in Bahrain, a London gallery visited my studio and has expressed interest in my work – that is a doorway that ArtBAB opened for Bahrain art. While the government of Bahrain is very supportive of art, I do believe this fine attunement to the global art market and re-positioning of Bahraini artists has come about because of ArtBAB.

Saudi-based Raneen Bukhari, who shared her perspective about developments of independent art practices in Saudi Arabia said that her country was in the spotlight for rapid cultural changes and an event such as ArtBAB was a great regional platform to showcase Saudi art perspectives.

“Much has changed in Saudi Arabia recently and this has led to a thriving art scene – however, collectors must not make the mistake of thinking Saudi artists are latecomers to the art studio. Our artists do have global exposure in terms of techniques and appreciation and this leads to some truly exciting art.”

Bahraini artist Tamadher AlFahal said ArtBAB brought a truly diverse audience to the Bahraini artist and its welcoming of all forms of art, of artists as well as galleries made it a unique platform.

Visitors can expect to absorb and delight in the collections from 15 galleries from around the world and 13 independent artists from 11 countries. In addition, there is a focus on 27 Bahraini artists, 6 Emerging Artists as well as a tribute to two Bahraini Masters, Rashid Al Oraifi and Ghassan Muhsin. 

The contemporary art fair will be open today and tomorrow from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Entry is free for the public. 

Award for excellence

ArtBAB Prize is awarded every year to artists showing excellence in specific media. The assessment for this prize will be conducted by the international selection committee and will select the best work from:

1.Painting (oil, acrylic, mixed media)



There will be a special category for the best emerging artist, across media, with the aim to encourage and promote new talent and grow the art community of Bahrain.



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